Local Law Important Dates Reminder

September 28, 2022    Newsroom

As 2022 is drawing to a close, we would like to remind you of upcoming key dates regarding compliance with energy Local Laws:

October 1, 2022: This year’s NYC Building Energy Efficiency Rating label becomes available

How to download the letter grade:

    1. Go to the DOB: Safety website.
    2. Scroll down to Get your Building Energy Efficiency Rating. 
    3. Enter your building’s Borough, Block Number, and Lot Number.
    4. If your letter grade is N, you’re done! Buildings with an N grade are not required to display their letter grade. Otherwise, you have to download and post it by…

October 31, 2022: The deadline to download and post the letter grade

How to post the letter grade:

    1. Print enough copies of the letter grade to post it at every entrance. The printed copies should be 8.5″ x 11″ and can be color or grayscale.
    2. Post the letter grades conspicuously near each entrance. It should be visible to the public and not obscured by other papers.

December 31, 2022: Prepare for energy benchmarking in the start of 2023

Energy Benchmarking Tips:

    1. Collect your electric, natural gas, fuel oil, and water bills spanning 1/1/22–12/31/22.
    2. Request these bills from any commercial tenants you may have as well.
    3. 2023 will be the last year before Local Law 97 comes into effect.
      • Pay close attention to any increase in energy consumption and plan any last-minute changed needed to stay under your carbon emissions limit.
      • Take care in organizing and retaining your utility bills–they are the sole proof of your actual energy consumption and will be needed for reference if your building is fined for excess carbon emissions.

Our team will continue to follow up regarding benchmarking, but please feel free to reach out in the meantime with any questions!